
Deborah Garlick

Deborah Garlick is the CEO of Henpicked: Menopause in the Workplace, and author of Menopause: the change for the better.  Her team have been working with UK-wide and international organisations for over 7 years to make it easier for them to introduce the right training, policies and practices to raise awareness, education and support of this critical area.

 In 2021, she founded The Menopause Friendly Membership and accreditation. The membership is now supporting leading employers to achieve Menopause Friendly Accreditation. With nearly 500 members, and 75 who’ve actually achieved the award. 

 On 14 September 2023 the industry-recognised Menopause Friendly Employer Awards took place to highlight and celebrate best practice, and to recognise those employers who are leading the way in supporting their colleagues, raising vital funds for menopause charities and research.

Why employers can’t afford not to be menopause friendly

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